Are student loans something you spend time thinking about when making your college decision? Has the cost of education affected your selection of the schools to which you're applying/planning to apply/have applied (depending on what grade you are and where you are in the app cycle)? What about the stats that say students at more selective (and therefore often more expensive schools) and/or with loans are more likely to graduate? Does that matter?
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
Student loans are more common because college tuitions are going up because we want the best public education system but nobody wants to actually pay to fund them. The UC system is going to go bankrupt if California doesn't bother itself to raise funding to keep schools affordable. It's like how we hear things about our district cutting the school budget, and at the same time, the city wastes money repairing roads that were in perfect condition and at the same time jamming up traffic to school for the purpose of our amusement.
-- Edited by Kyle Wu on Wednesday 30th of November 2011 06:22:05 PM
College is so expensive, student loans kind of have to be used. And its tough to know if you are going to be guaranteed a job after college in order to pay them off. I just wish college life would be less stressful money wise... :/
"I'm trying to think of a funny quote to put here..." ~Brandon Erickson
The cost of education has definitely affected my decision about which colleges to apply to. I have applied to 3 different schools, none of them being UC's like I planned because tuition is so expensive. Student loans were definitely a part of the decision.