A north Carolina man has sparked contraversy on the web after he tattooed his puppy's belly and then posted the photo on facebook. Ernesto Rodriguez, an army veteran, says he tattooed his 4-month-old pit bull mix for identification purposes. Duchess the puppy and his other dog, Duke, have the same intricate tattoo.
His dogs his rules, it's not like he's beating them and we've seen this story before, no cruelty here. Just like a human gets a tatto the pain is only temporary.
If this is really for identification, could of been a little less outlandish and more subtle. Also, I think colars work just fine. There should be some punishment, I couldn't tell you what exactly though.
A collar or microchip would work the same way to identify the dog. I don't know what the punishment should be, but I definitely think this is animal cruelty. If you don't agree, or even if you do, what would you think if this was a child instead of a dog?
Even though he could've done worse, it is still awful what he did. That is animal cruelty & he should face the same punishments as owners who beat their pets.
The only thing i would be worrried about is that how much harm it could of caused the dog from if it were to get infected and such... um yhe does know they have those tags you can have injected into there skin right..? that will be much cheaper than an animal cruelity charge he may face.
If this was a child it wouldn't be fed kibbles and bits and furry all over, i'm assuming your drawing attention to the fact that it's a 4 month old pitbull? Children are obviously different then dogs for many reasons, so if somebody wants to tatoo their dog and there is no law against it he shouldn't be punished and I highly doubt he will. The dog is fine now so what's the long term affect? The same for a human except the dog had no choice and since when did dogs have a say in anything anyway...
If this was a child it wouldn't be fed kibbles and bits and furry all over, i'm assuming your drawing attention to the fact that it's a 4 month old pitbull? Children are obviously different then dogs for many reasons, so if somebody wants to tatoo their dog and there is no law against it he shouldn't be punished and I highly doubt he will. The dog is fine now so what's the long term affect? The same for a human except the dog had no choice and since when did dogs have a say in anything anyway...
If this was a child it wouldn't be fed kibbles and bits and furry all over, i'm assuming your drawing attention to the fact that it's a 4 month old pitbull? Children are obviously different then dogs for many reasons, so if somebody wants to tatoo their dog and there is no law against it he shouldn't be punished and I highly doubt he will. The dog is fine now so what's the long term affect? The same for a human except the dog had no choice and since when did dogs have a say in anything anyway...