Wendy Ferris, a 47 year old cafeteria worker at King Phillip Middle School, is facing a criminal charge after she allegedly threatened to purchase an AK-47 and lay waste to the middle school where she works over a batch of cookies gone wrong. Ferris flew off the handle after a coworker re-baked some cookies because Ferris overcooked the cookies the first time around. Ferris pleaded not guilty, spent a weekend in jail, paid 5,000$ bail, and is expected in court March 11.
I think in this day and age you cant make any jokes or say anything remotely close to threat because of all the shootings and school tragedies. I think they should make her eat the bad cookies as punishment...and then fire her.
I usually would not give much importance to when people exaggerate and say things like "I'll kill you!", or something along those lines. However, I think that if this lunch lady took it WAY too far. Saying "I'm going to get an Ak-47 and shoot a bunch of kids at a middle school" is much different than saying "i'll kill you", and I think that it's safest if this woman stays away from the middle school, if not forever, then at least for a while. If cookies made that cafeteria lady that angry, then I don't want to even imagine what she'd so if something significantly bad happened to her.
i think she should be fired from her job because what she threatened was not appropriate or necessary. if she does not get fired she should be put on probation.
I think she should be put into a mental institution because anyone like this obviously has something wrong and needs help. i also do not like bad cookies though
A School employing making comments/threats about "shooting up" a school, especially one that she works at is wrong in so many ways. The punishment i personally think she should get is, obviously, be fired for her job. Maybe some required group anger management therapy.