On August 31, Leandra Becerra Lumbreras celebrated her 127th birthday, although she has no record to prove. Ms. Lumbreras apparently lost her birth certificate 40 years ago while moving, but her family claims she was born in 1887. Because of her lack of proof, Misao Okawa is documented as the oldest person living in the world according to the Guinness book of world records, although Ms. Lumbreras is supposedly 12 years older.
Question: Do you think Leandra Lumbreras is really the worlds oldest woman, or do you think this is just a ploy her family is making up? And do you think scientists could learn how to extend human life by studying how Lumbreras has lived?
if there is no actual documentation to prove so, you cant be so sure that they are telling the truth. Scientists could come up with something that might assist on living a longer life.
I think that she is telling the truth but they can probably preform tests to make sure. I don't think they can extend human life, it is probably genetic.
If the government offered to replace her birth certificate, I'd imagine that she's telling the truth.
I think that scientists can learn a lot about how to live longer from her. It's clear that she is an active woman who gets a lot of rest, which might have something to do with how long she has lived. However, I think that life span is something that varies for everyone; based on how they live as well as genetics.
I don't think she is telling the truth. If so, Why is this just coming up rather than earlier in time. Also, she has no real proof that she is indeed that old.
I believe there is something to be observed from the lifestyle of Lumbreras. If only there was that magical pill. Couldn't the use of legal documents from schooling or other medical forms be used to age Lumbreras? Interesting how nothing could be found or used. The possibility the family is lying is definitely a valid argument, but honestly pathetic if that is the case. I don't believe they are lying.
There would be some type of records that could be found to prove her age, such as school notes, photos, or family documents. This is a silly topic for a family to lie about, but it is a possibility. Leandra does appear to be 127 like she says, but she should not hold the record. I dont believe anything coudl be found on her lifespan, i think it deals with genetics and is merely a phenomenon.
I wouldn't believe anyone who says they are 127 years of age unless the living environment around them states otherwise. If the people living in that area live to be 115 to 120 years of age it would be a lot more believable. I would want to see state verification showing that she's as old as she says she is. She may even be senile and convinced her kids that she was that old.
If there is no proof of this woman living for 127 years then I am not sure I believe it is true. However I do think scientist can study the lifestyles of people who do live a longer life than others to determine what exactly allows them to add years to their life.
Could there be a scientific way to determine the age of a living person? I understand that it is possible to scientifically determine an aproximate age range of someone after they have died by studying bone features. But, could there be a way to accurately determine someone's current age? Or even an approximate age range of 5-10 years ? This would interst me to know wether it can be determined. I also believe we could learn a few tricks from anyone who has lived to be over 100. (Or allegedly 127)