Welcome to the EDHS Contemporary World Affairs Discussion Board! This is a site for engaged, interactive discussion and debate of what's happening in places and events around the globe!
Please take a moment to review the rules of the site:
* All content posted, including usernames, should be tasteful, respectful, legal, and school appropriate!
* It's expected that you'll disagree and obviously encouraged and required that you'll debate, but you need to do so in a manner that is RESPECTFUL of your fellow classmates and their right to espouse a dissenting opinion!! We love the First Amendment here!! So be kind, post with your classmates' feelings in mind!! Thanks!!
* Your actual name must be displayed somewhere in each of your posts or (a) you will not receive credit for it, and (b) it will be deleted. The easiest way to achieve this is to resist the urge to choose a username like "beachgirlsurferfabulous93" and instead choose one that clearly proclaims your identity like "MrsCavalluzzi" :)
* Every week, your group is responsible for beginning a discussion regarding some event in your part of the world and monitoring that discussion (correcting inaccuracies, etc.), In terms of the format of the posts, the initial post should not have a slant; it should provide dispassionate information and an open question. The place for opinionated commentary is in the replies.
* You as an individual are responsible for posting at least three responses to other discussion topics. THIS IS THE MINIMUM. Feel free to log on and comment EACH AND EVERY DAY
* If you have any questions about what does or does not constitute an appropriate post, either an initial topic or a reply, please ask!!
* Play well and HAVE FUN!!!
-- Edited by MrsCavalluzzi at 17:49, 2009-01-23
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)