Should the father really be the one blamed for what has happened to his daugther? But should the officer be blamed because he said he did not have the resources to investigate all the murders in his district and that the case had only attracted attention because Mr Paroli was a foreigner.
This is sad, who could Rape a 3 year old... wow yea. This police officer should go to jail for not caring, and being so unmotivated to solving a crime that is so unjust and evil. It kind of is the dads fault in a way... I mean when your in a foreign country that is corrupt.. you keep an eye on your kid. Its still terrible that people should have to worry about this kind of stuff though.
the father probably should have kept a better watch over his daughter, but it's not like he thought this would ever happen nor did he want it to. and for the officers i think they should have taken control of the case. police are supposed to help their people and stop those who are doing wrong. it is a lame excuse to say they can't because they don't have enough resources, it doesn't mean they can't try.
The parents should have been more careful of their 3-year-old daughter but I'm reluctant to hold them responsible since after all they are the victims and they're already suffering enough without being publicly blamed for the death and rape of their child.
I don't think the article mentions why the police wanted to keep the case quiet for the time being but if it's because they simply did not have the resources then they shouldn't be held responsible for that.
"Your distress about life might mean you have been living for the wrong reason, not that you have no reason for living." Tom O' Connor