Mark "Coonrippy" Brown is running for governor in order to secure the return of the pet raccoon (Rebekah) that was taken from him by state wildlife authorities last year:
Just in case you thought state-level politics was boring :)
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
This man seems to have a reason for running for governor, but that is just so random! If their pet racoon is tame and doesen't cause too much trouble, then there should be no problem getting her back.
Besides his need to get his raccoon back Coonrippy seems to have another valid reason for running and especially considering that despite his careless visage he obviously cares about the current state of mind in the "United States of the Offended"
"Coonrippy" Brown must really want his raccoon back if he's willing to spend all his funds running for governor. I wonder if people will actually vote for him...
This is probably just to get publicity to raise awareness of the issue. Now, he will probably get his racoon back regardless of if he gets elected or not.