since we're so near the end of our time together :(, it seems opportune to do some reflection on this inaugural semester of CWA. any feedback? your favorite topics? stuff you loved? stuff you hated? other stuff we should do in the course? would you take another similar course in college (lots of...
Three arrested after London protest becomes unruly; officer knocked out Police say 20,000 gathered outside Israeli Embassy in London Similar demonstrations take place in other European cities 3,000 protest outside temporary residence of U.S. President-elect Obama is the conflict in gaza hav...
is this a valid and important lawsuit? does anyone really believe that drinks like this are some wondersource of their necessary vitamins, minerals, triple antioxidants, and just overall the liquid formula for good health? should anything with "water" in the name that actually cont...
Two leaders of a Canadian polygamist sect were arrested Wednesday and charged with polygamy in what could be a landmark case one had 19 wives, the other had 5 The men are members of the polygamist sect known as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or FLDS, and a charter that wa...
At least five bodies were found hacked up in a Nairobi shantytown over the weekend, the latest victims of a series of grisly ritual murders that have rocked Kenya. The mutilated corpses all had similar cuts on their backs, and at least one victim was missing both his hands. Two women had their breasts...
Obama has indicated that he's considering taking out the White House bowling alley (the White House recreation options include the bowling alley, a horseshoe pit, a movie theatre, and an outdoor, solar-heated swimming pool that is regulation size for lap swimming and water polo) and replacing i...
Almost 2,000 people have died from the recent cholera outbreak. Another 40,000 are infected by the preventable disease. Red Cross has delivered 13 tons of supplies this week to combat the outbreak but they still desperately need chemicals to treat the tainted water. Should someone go in to help the...
New York City is taking on Vegas as a quick-wedding destination. Do drive-through weddings, weddings by Elvis, etc. diminish the institution of marriage or simply infuse a spirit of fun into what is supposed to be a happy event and/or provide a convenient, affordable alternative to the (some would...
President elect Barack Obama plans on reviewing inmates and conditions in Guantanamo Bay as a first step towards the closure of the detention facility. Obama plans to issue an executive order to close the detention facilitity which holds 250 inmates who are claimed by the Bush administrati...
Japan has currently made a website that maps smells. The website describes diffrent smells and then pinpoints them on a world map. It can detect more than 160 smells around the world including the pleasant scent of "used socks in the summer" the website has currently 200 members who are ca...
Position: Island caretaker. Duties: Lazing around Australia's Great Barrier Reef for six months. Salary: 150,000 Australian dollars ($100,000). This is part of Australia's $1.7 million campaign to boost tourism in Australia. In exchange for the plush salary, free accommodation in an oceanfr...
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