Air New Zealand's new swimsuit safety video: Fun or offensive? A commercial becoming viral over the message of airline safety, receives "turbulence" over whether or not it was appropriate to use swimsuit models within this commercial.
A local beauty queen has died of a gunshot wound, becoming the fifth fatality from Venezuela political unrest, as imprisoned protest leader Leopoldo Lopez urged supporters to keep fighting for the departure of the socialist government. Tensions have risen in Venezuela since Mr Lopez turned hi...
Six miners refused to come out of illegal gold mine and were the last to be rescued after 2 days of the first people being lifted out Citizens of South Africa have been warned and parliament has considered legalizing them as a way to make a living Some people claimed that a rock slide trapped them but many...
Kim Yuna. 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012 International Skating Championships winner, 2010 Vancouver Gold Medalist, the Queen, and Olympics score world record setter, is being considered the victim of a scandal after she only received a silver medal in the 2014 Sochi Olympics in Russia for Single Figu...
Four people were shot to death and two others wounded in a shooting and knife attack Thursday at an American Indian tribal headquarters in California, authorities said. 44-year-old Sherie Lash was taken into custody after allegedly opening fire at the Cedarville Rancheria Tribal Office and Com...
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