Women's right's groups are furious after the president of Uruguay, Tabare Vazquez, vetoed a measure passed by congress legalizing first trimester abortions, claming that it is unconstitutional. The womens rights groups plan to protest this decision while religious groups are overjoyed. http...
In the Solomon Islands they've had an ethnic confilct which ended in the late 1990's and part of the peace agreemant was that the Islanders give up their firearms. The people have had a rash of crocodile attacks, though, and a ten-year-old girl was killed. The People's Police Force is trying to deal wi...
A Scottish court refused to release convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi (Friday), rejecting his argument that he should be freed because he suffers from advanced prostate cancer. Megrahi is serving a life sentance in Scotlands Greenock Prison for his role in the bombing...
A spate of recent child abductions and murders in Jamaica are being linked to the occult by some religious leaders on the island. Parents are being extra vigilant, pupils are walking to school in big groups and some press reports have added to the tension. The police say that there's no evidence to sug...
The "Sajil" Missle has been successfully tested as of Wednesday. It is a new generation of surface to surface missles with a range of about 1200 miles which could easily reach Israel and possibly some of southeastern Europe. The US has publicly denounced the testing of missles and as US N...
This last weekend, firse swept across Yorba Linda, Brea, and Anaheim Hills. Many were evacuated, and an unlucky handful's houses were burned down. Has this fire affected you in any way? Evacuated? Volunteered to help the evacuees? Do share your tale.
The pregnant man, Thomas Beatie, was made famous last year on Oprah for being the first pregnant man. He was formally a she that after hormones and surgey became a man. Thomas announced on 20/20 with Barbra Walters, November 14, he is pregnant again. He gave birth to his first child, a baby girl on...
Should the auto companies be allowed to partake in the bailout? Paulson says no; Obama says yes. Where do we draw the line - which companies should be entitled to financial assistance and which should be permitted to fail? Should it be based on number of employees? % of GDP created? Historical s...
Nebraska's legislature will convene to set an age limit on state's "safe haven" law. The law is intended so parents can drop off infants at hospitals without being prosecuted. But this year, 34 children have been dropped off, not one has been an infant, and 28 have been 10-years-old or old...
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